Harmonia Society

About Harmonia Society
Members of the Harmonia Society are those who have, with special thought and foresight, included the Cathedral Choral Society in their estate plans. Harmonia Society members are committed to nurturing the Cathedral Choral Society for future generations. Most Harmonia Society gifts are restricted gifts to support the growth of the endowment, but there are significant opportunities as well for project and program support.
Unless otherwise requested, Harmonia Society members are recognized in our programs, on our website, and in our Annual Report as members of this special group of supporters.
For more information on the Harmonia Society, our endowment, or donor-directed funds please contact us. If you have already remembered the Cathedral Choral Society in your estate plans, please let us know.
Click below for a statement of intent if you are ready to confirm your plans.
The Cathedral Choral Society strongly recommends you seek professional advice to ensure that your financial goals are considered, your tax situation is reviewed, and your planned gift is tailored to your circumstances. The information provided here is for general information purposes only.
Anonymous (3)
Ernest* and Catherine Abbott
Laurene Church
The Estate of David Willard Cook
Judy Davis
David Dietly*^
Charles Leonard Egan
Connie Eggers
Thomas P. Gallagher
Mary-T. Gordon^
Anne R. Harris
Patricia D. Hevner^
Ann Ingram
Richard* and Cecilia Larkin
Beth A.V. Lewis
Susan McDaid
Lolly Mixter
Martha A. Morris
Alice Padwe
Raymond Rhinehart*
Carla L. Rosati
Martin Rosenthal*^ and Corinne Axelrod
Margaret Shannon
Michael and Linda Shortal
Patricia Soto
Nancy Wiecking
Martha Wilson
Evelyn D. Woolston-May
*Member of the Chorus
^Member of the Board of Trustees