Two Cathedrals: Baroque Splendor from Mexico City

CCS and Washington Bach Consort join forces to celebrate baroque music from Mexico City’s Cathedral, extraordinary music resulting from a collision of cultures.
When the Spanish conquistadors overran Tenochtitlan and established Mexico City, they built a European-style Cathedral directly on top of an Aztec temple; over time, it became a place for music that blended Catholicism with the indigenous cultures of the region. Baroque music emerged with a uniquely North American flavor, and it is this beauty and diversity that CCS and WBC celebrate in a musical love letter from one great Cathedral to another. Featuring Ignacio de Jerusalem’s astounding Mass for Double Choir.
Instrumental Procession from Missa de los Angeles: Joan Batista Sanxo
Kyrie from Missa de Los Angeles: Joan Batista Sanxo
Como Aunque Culpa: Manuel de Zumaya
In horrore visionis: Francisco Lopez Capillas
Gaitas y cumbees: Santiago de Murcia
Kyrie from Misa en Sol: Joan Batista Sanxo
Versa est in luctum: Juan Gutierrez de Padilla
Sol-fa de Pedro: Manuel de Zumaya
Tarantella: Lucas Ruiz de Ribayaz
Allelulia: Dic Nobis, Maria. López Capillas
Celebren, publiquen: Manuel de Zumaya
Polychoral Mass in D: Ignacio Jerusalem
Steven Fox, conductor
The Cathedral Choral Society
Washington Bach Consort